Sunday, November 13, 2016

What Time Is It Really?

"It's time really for President Obama and Secretary Clinton to say to these protesters, 'This man is our president.'” - Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump's former campaign manager, on NBC's "Meet The Press" (as reported today by The Washington Post )

Dear Kellyanne –

My watch tells me that it's actually time for Donald Trump to come out and forthrightly condemn the 200 or so hate crimes of the last few days that appear to have been inspired by his harsh rhetoric and proposals.

After that will come the perfect time for him to apologize for running the vilest, nastiest, most lie-filled campaign for president that I've seen in my six decades on this planet. 

Then he can get down on his knees and beg America to forgive him for that campaign if he wants but what the times really demand is that he simply admit that he's morally, intellectually, and temperamentally unfit to be president and that he'll be telling the 290 electors pledged to vote for him on December 19 that they really ought to vote for Hillary Clinton instead.

THEN  and only then will it be time for President Obama, Secretary Clinton, or anybody else to say to those protesting the recent election that it's time to go home (or go to the closest celebration party – their choice).

Your watch seems to be running terribly fast.

You might want to have it serviced before you arrive at another conclusion much too prematurely and end up standing around all alone listening to the crickets while the rest of us are off working to make America a smarter, fairer, and more compassionate place.

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