Thursday, December 2, 2010

Variations On A Theme

First Snow of the Season
(9:42 AM - December 1, 2010)

Second Snow of the Season
(10:01 AM - December 2, 2010)


  1. So pretty.. and so foreign to me... Christmas? cold? nahhh!!
    After the fun stuff, it's beach day! :)

  2. RYN: I saw snow for the first time in 1989 when I went to Italy.
    Then again this year when I was visiting my husbands family in Winnipeg. It had snowed overnight and we woke up to a white blanket!
    I wanted to immediately go out and take photographs and was shocked at how slippery it was. I didn't like it so much after that :)

  3. This is my first X-Mas ever without snow, it's very odd. I keep thinking it's summer but it's not.
