Saturday, April 16, 2011

This Week In Spring

Tulip Porn

First Frog

First Turtle

More Tulip Porn

First Red-Winged Blackbird

Claiming His Home

On A Mission

Pear Trees At Their Peak

Woodsy Sunset


  1. *Ribbit ribbit ribbit!* (Translation: Wow Wow Wow!!!) This is a virtual feast for the eyes, here! It's too hard to pick out just one, I like 'em all! The tulips are simply gorgeous! The frog and turtle are adorable, and particularly photogenic, and the boidies are winsome and wonderful! I also like the contrast between the bouffant floral extravaganza of the pear tree and the stark beauty of the bare branches revealing the setting sun....

    All in all, bravo, a posting worth waiting for! :-)
